Thanks go out to RASWVU for this
The Evil Empire
I felt that it was my responsibility to recall this tale,
for the benefit of some of the younger fans
that might not understand the depth of this rivalry.
And so I begin.....
Gather ‘round you newbies, and you older posters, too. The story you are about to hear is as important as any that you will ever encounter.
It is a tale that dates back to antiquity, much older than any of us, and only survives because it is handed down from one Mountaineer generation to the next. I am telling it now, as it was told to me by my father, as it was told to him by his. It is my duty to see that it is not forgotten, and it will fall upon those of you here, younger than me, to make sure that it still survives when my generation is gone.
It is hard to know where to begin as this is a conflict that predates the written word. It is hard to know when it actually did start. It is a story of good and evil, two forces that date back before any known recorded history and probably back to the dawn of man.
It seems that in ancient times, the forces of evil were widely and randomly dispersed around the planet. They were unorganized and held little power. It was a pleasant time with little strife and conflict. The tranquility that existed was very disturbing to dark and evil, which thrive on disharmony and hate.
So it came to be that a call was sent out across the Earth, that all of the forces of evil should unite. But where were they to go? They needed some place to solidify their power… a place where they could all gather to plot and plan their future endeavors. But, where would they find a suitable place?
They decided to send out scouts, throughout the entire world to look for an ideal place. It happened that one of their scouts came across such a place. It was located down in a valley, surrounded by mountains and three rivers.
I was a place filled with large factories that belched black smoke that darkened the skies and dropped black soot over all.
At night the factories gave off a hellish red glow from their massive furnaces.
The entire place was dark and foreboding. Evil had found its home!!
Because of the darkness and depravity that existed there, Evil decided that an appropriate name for such a place would be…
Over the years that has been shortened to:
There is much more to tell, but I will give you some time to reflect on this much.
Earlier I laid the groundwork for how the land of Pitt came to be. After scouring the entire world, the forces of evil found a perfect site to unite in the dark and smoke filled skies of the Steel City. But that was only the beginning.
The forces of evil had found a home and the call went out to the ends of the earth for all Evil to gather in that land called PITT, to consolidate and unify their powers. When they arrived, they realized that they had no base in this dark land. A plan was made to construct such an edifice.
So they went to the smoke belching factories and procured beams of steel. They began to assemble these beams together, reaching higher and higher, up into the soot filled skies. Slowly the home of Evil took shape.
When it was finished, they stood back and admired their work. While they called it a "Cathedral", there was nothing good or pious about it. It was a dark and ominous structure that towered over the surrounding countryside.
Thus the Dark, Evil, Tower of PITT came to be.

Now very little is known about the inner workings of this dark tower. Very few who have ventured inside have ever made it back to tell their tale. Very few pictures exist of the interior, but it is rumored to house many dark, cavernous rooms.
In these rooms, the forces of evil undoubtedly hold many ghastly pagan rituals. I shudder to even imagine the details.
So now you know how the land of PITT came about and how the Dark Tower came to be. I will stop for now, but this story is only beginning. I will return tomorrow with more in this saga of good and evil.
So far we have seen how the forces of evil congregated in the land of three rivers and how it came to be called PITT. When we last left our tale, they had constructed a large dark tower to use as a center of evil, and named it the Cathedral.
Meanwhile, to the south of this massing evil empire, lay a serene and peaceful place. It was a land of clear, blue skies, rich green forests, rolling hills and valleys. There were clean, babbling streams, filled with colorful fish. It was almost Heaven.
The inhabitants of this land were a hard working and hard playing, friendly folk. The women were beautiful and the men were manly. These people were called EERS.
The EERS were unaware of the evil building to their North, as there was a wall of protective mountains that separated them from the land of smoke and fire. The EERS continued their innocent, idyllic existence, oblivious to the lurking danger.
Now in the land of evil, the tower was completed and the evil forces moved in. It was not long before they tired of ruling only the land of fire, soot and darkness. They longed to extend their power, but the mountain barrier stood in their way.
In their frustration to overcome this barrier, they began with crude attempts to scale the mountains. They built bizarre inclined railways, reaching to the summits.
They found that once they ascended to the tops of the mountains, they had no way to descend the other side. This was even more frustrating to them, as they could look out from the top of the mountains and see the idyllic land of the EERS to their south, but they had no way to get there.
It would have been nice if the forces of Evil could have remained walled off and isolated. But what happened next is a story for another day.
When we last left our story, the forces of evil had built strange, inclined railroads to the tops of mountains surrounding the evil land of PITT. From there, they were able to see the beautiful lands and people to their South. They were envious, but frustrated, as they were blocked from reaching this land by the mountains.
The forces of evil plotted long and hard within the bowels of their tower. They had to come up with a plan to reach the EERS!
Finally they decided to dig. They went to the base of the mountain and started digging. Day after day, night after night, they feverishly toiled.
It was an obsession; they must make it to EER-land!
Finally the tunnels were completed and a route to the outside world was available.
What a fateful day that was. The evil forces from the land of PITT rushed forth from the tunnels and descended on the unsuspecting EERS.
They were a powerful force and for many years pillaged the poor EERS.
They built another large, dark structure in the land of evil to entertain themselves. They called it Pitt Stadium.
If they were not able to vanquish the EERS in their homeland, they would lure them into this dark and cavernous arena and attack them there, for their own amusement.
It was, indeed, a dark time in EER history.
I am sorry to have to stop at such a grim and hopeless point in this tale, but I must. I will let you use this time to mull over what you have read thus far, and reflect on the true depth and depravity of PITT.
I will return with more on this Saga.
Do not lose hope! There is still much more to tell!
When I last left you, the Evil Forces of Pitt had drilled tunnels through the Barrier Mountains and invaded the peaceful land of the EERS. It was a dark time in EER history. The Evil hordes were powerful and took the innocent EERS by surprise. The EERS seemed completely unprepared to deal with this onslaught.
The EERS did try to gather some forces and offer some resistance.
They built an arena of their own, where they tried to combat the forces of Evil.
Still the forces of evil were very powerful and in the early years of this conflict, EER victories were scarce.
For a time, it appeared that PITT was unstoppable and it looked like their domination over the EERS would last forever. Was there no one to stand in opposition to these forces of Evil? Was there no one out there to champion the things that are good and just?
Well of course there was! And so it was that out of the gloom and despair that had settled over ERR-land, a young voice came forth. It seems that there was a young man that could not tolerate standing idly by, watching what was happening to his beloved EER’s.
He had been born and raised an EER and his mother had taught him from an early age that PITT was a despicable place to be reviled and hated. That young man took it upon himself to rally the EER forces to regroup and attack. It became his obsession and life's work to expose PITT's evil, and oppose it in every corner. He came to symbolize this fight.
This young man was known as JACK.
Well, I must stop here for the day, but things are starting to look a little better for the EERS. There are still 2 more chapters to go in this tale of good and evil. We will see if young Jack can be successful in his attempts to rally the EERS.
I will be back tomorrow.
Yesterday, we saw how a young EER rose out of the despair and tried to unite and encourage the forces of good.
Now, the EERS were a strong and resilient people, and soon with Jack’s leadership, they were able to regroup. Slowly the Evil domination of PITT was slowed. The EERS began to win some of the battles. Year after year, Jack kept exhorting them on. He even went to live in the land of PITT in order to keep a closer eye on the forces of evil, but his loyalty never wavered.
He was always an EER, through and through.
Over the years, many heroes have risen and have taken up the challenge. The names are familiar Wyant, Huff, Bosley, Ford, Gresham, Braxton, Marbury, Buggs, Owens, Nehlen, Luck, Hostetler, Harris, Zereoue, Bulger, Cobourne, Wilson, Marshall, Schmitt, Slaton, White, Devine, Sanders and others too numerous to mention. The EERS gradually turned the tide toward the side of good and light.
Slowly the fire and smoke belching factories began to die, leaving rusting hulks behind.
The skies lost their darkness and light once again rained down on the land of evil. The stench disappeared from the air.
The great evil arena, known as Pitt Stadium was reduced to ruins.
Under the persistent urging of Jack, who later in life became known just as "THE VOICE", the forces of good were starting to win!!
And so today's portion of this story draws to a close. There is still a final chapter to be told in this story of good and evil. I will return on the morrow to finish.
Yesterday, we saw how a young EER rose out of the despair and tried to unite and encourage the forces of good.
Now, the EERS were a strong and resilient people, and soon with Jacks’s leadership, they were able to regroup. Slowly the Evil domination of PITT was slowed. The EERs began to win some of the battles. Year after year, Jack kept exorting them on. He even went to live in the land of PITT in order to keep a closer eye on the forces of evil, but his loyality never wavered. He was always an EER, through and through.
Over the years, many heros have risen and have taken up the challenge. The names are familiar Wyant, Huff, Bosley, Ford, Gresham, Braxton, Marbury, Buggs, Owens, Nehlen, Luck, Hostetler, Harris, Zereoue, Bulger, Cobourne, Wilson, Marshall, and others too numerous to mention. The EERS gradually turned the tide toward the side of good and light.
Slowly the fire and smoke belching factories began to die, leaving rusting hulks behind.
The skies lost their darkness and light once again rained down on the land of evil .The stench disappeared from the air.
The great evil arena, known as Pitt Stadium was reduced to ruins.
Under the persistent urging of Jack, who later in life became known just as "THE VOICE", the forces of good were starting to win!!
And so today's portion of this story draws to a close. There is still a final chapter to be told in this story of good and evil. I will return tomorrow morning to finish.
Well, it is time to put the finishing touches on this story. But it will never, really, be over.
We have come from antiquity to the present time. We have seen the initial domination of the EERS by the Evil forces of PITT. We have seen the EERS regroup and send the Evil from PITT back to their Dark Tower.
I would like to tell you that the evil empire has been defeated and disbanded, but alas, I cannot. As is the case with evil, it is never eliminated, merely subdued.
The dark tower still exists.
While PITT Stadium exists no more, the forces of evil have managed to borrow another arena for their contests.
The tunnels are still open:
The plotting still goes on in the deep dark reaches of that evil cathedral. Last year, our beloved EER's were able to run rough shod over the hapless forces of Pitt in their own backyard.
But that was last year, and we need to always remember that it was just 3 years ago, that the evil forces prevailed.
So once again we come to an important point in this never ending war. The time is rapidly approaching for another battle.
Once more the forces from the Evil Empire will burst forth from those ancient tunnels, invading our home.
Tonight, the faithful from all over EER-land will gather in Morgantown to meet and repel the evil onslaught. Never in the history of this conflict have the stakes been so great.
We must be strong and resolute in our task. We cannot allow Evil to turn the momentum we have built in recent years. We must show them that their limited success 3 years ago was an anomaly, not to be repeated!.
This is indeed a story with out a beginning or an ending. It has been going on since long before I was born and will be playing out long after I am dust. This message must be kept alive. It must be passed from EER to EER. All must know this history and be ready to step forward and continue the battle.
Yes, Jack is no longer with us, but we all know he is up there watching with great satisfaction at what he helped create. And like with all great forces, when the standard bearer falls, there is always another there to grab up the flag and carry on.
There are always new heros waiting in the wings to lead the forces of good.
And so, once again the call goes out. Let all of us from the land of EERS get ourselves ready. Lets us make the pilgrimage from our homes to Morgantown in unstoppable numbers. If we cannot be there in body, let us lend our Mountaineer spirit to the fight. Let the land of the EERS echo with the sound of our voices. Let us show the forces of darkness that the forces of good cannot be overcome.
So let us all settle in this evening to watch the next episode of this epic battle unfold, Let's see if this guy:
has really been able to get his forces to, "RUN FASTER!!".